Monday, July 10, 2006

Flag Desecration Resolution

While I was away at church camp, the United States Senate debated and voted on Senate Resolution 12, which prohibits the desecration of the U.S. Flag. It is a constitutional amendment proposal that requires 67 senators voting in favor before it goes to the states where 38 of the 50 must ratify it before becoming an amendment to our constitution. The resolution received 66 votes, one short to keep the process going. That means that 34 senators, 31 of them Democrats and 3 Republicans, voted against protecting the U.S. flag. Can you believe that?

I have heard the arguments made by the American Civil Liberties Union and other liberal groups that flag burning is a form of speech that must be protected. But I have yet to figure out how burning our national flag is a constitutional right. The legislative process has already been tried. But the Supreme Court ruled several years ago that the law forbidding flag desecration was unconstitutional. So that is why the resolution was submitted in the U.S. Senate and amending the constitution was tried.

If you are a registered Democrat, does it bother you that 31 senators from your party voted not to protect our flag? Does it concern you in the least bit that presidential hopefuls like Hillary Clinton and John Kerry voted that burning our flag deserves constitutional protection? I have personally called all three Republican senators and expressed outrage over their lack of commitment to our flag. Thankfully, Senators Coburn and Inhofe voted to protect the flag.

Tragically the party of homosexual marriage, abortion on demand and tree hugging have cast their vote on the side of draft dodgers and terrorists. It is high time that politicians are held accountable for their votes and views regardless of party affiliation. Have you had enough yet? Is there not anything sacred anymore?