Thursday, June 22, 2006

Valedictorian's Speech Censored by School Officials

Just when you think things are okay in America and that religious expression is a constitutional right, something goes haywire! That something is the Clark County School District in Las Vegas, Nevada. Brittany McComb, a senior and a valedictorian, was giving her speech to the audience when her mike was cut off by school officials. You know what the obscene word she used was? Jesus! She made reference to the Lord in her speech and how she wouldn’t have made it without His strength and guidance. And the school officials who had already warned her about using spiritual references in her speech cut her off!
As a pastor, I was so outraged that I called the school district personally. According to the American Family Association's website, school district officials made Brittany submit her speech beforehand and then gave the speech to an A.C.L.U. lawyer to look over. First of all, I am sick and tired of spineless school officials who cave into the threats of the A.C.L.U. When are people going to get it that the A.C.L.U. stands for Anti-Christian Lawyers Union? They are not interested in free speech, they have an agenda to make this a secular nation that is devoid of religious expression. Secondly, it is time that Christians get outraged enough and do something about the perversion of our Constitution by the A.C.L.U. and other groups. By the time some of us wake up it may be too late to reclaim our religious liberty rights! Are you ticked off yet?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Southern Baptist Convention

I have watched with interest as our convention is meeting in Greensboro, North Carolina. Some have reported that we are in a crisis as a denomination. The media is always looking for a feud. I personally think it is good when we discuss and debate. I can remember in 1994 when we elected Jim Henry from Orlando instead of the announced candidate that the other former presidents were supporting. No one controls the votes of the messengers. They have a mind of their own. More power to them!

We settled the issue of biblical authority 25 years ago. Moderates are still crying takeover. We have been taken back to our conservative roots. I personally praise God that we have the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission speaking out for us on moral issues. It is a far cry from the weak and anemic Baptist Joint Committee of Public Affairs. No conservative will ever forget finding out about James Dunn and his affiliation with the People for the American Way, one of the most liberal and secular groups in this country. We speak with a clear voice and not from two sides of our mouths like we did back in the 1980's.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Marriage Protection Amendment - Part 2

I shared with you last week about the "Marriage Protection Amendment" in the U.S. Senate. The vote was taken with 48 Senators voting for the amendment and 47 voting against it. The amendment failed because it didn't get the necessary two-thirds vote in the affirmative. Who were the 47 that voted against protecting traditional marriage from the homosexual activists? 40 Democrats, 7 Republicans and 1 Independent said "No" to traditional marriage. Senators Coburn and Inhofe voted for the amendment.

Why such a big deal about marriage? Well, for one thing God said that marriage is to be between a man and a woman for life. We have done a pretty poor job on the "for life" part, and now we have secularists that want to tinker with the family and justify their ungodly behavior. I am afraid that we have gone so far down in the sewer that we don't seem to care anymore. Did Senators hear more from the secularists or the Christians? Edmund Burke put it this way years ago, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Maybe this issue reveals that homosexuals are more committed to their cause than Christians are. Who are the ones doing nothing?

Marriage Protection Amendment

One of the most important votes in the U.S. Senate will be taken this coming week. It has to do with Senate Joint Resolution 1 which is the "Marriage Protection Amendment." As you know homosexual activists and other liberal groups are trying to redefine marriage in our country. They have failed at the ballot box but now are using the courts to get what they can't get from the will of the people. Several states have already passed similar legislation only to have a liberal activist judge rule it unconstitutional. If S.J.R. 1 is passed by two-thirds of senators, then it will go to the states for consideration. Fortunately, our two senators in Oklahoma are in favor of the resolution.

Here is what the text of the resolution says: "Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman." That's it, folks. It doesn't sound too complicated but look at the organizations that are opposed to this amendment: Democratic National Committee, A.C.L.U., National Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood of America, People for the American Way, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, and American United for the Separation of Church & State just to name a few. Why would these groups be opposed to this amendment? Maybe it is because they are for homosexual unions and the redefining of the family!